Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why New Zealand?

I thought it only appropriate to first explain why Sadie and I chose New Zealand for a three-month-long, we-have-no-idea-what-we-are-doing, let's-go-see-the-world adventure.  The simple answer: I have no idea.  The more complicated answer: we discussed general regions of the world and exchange rate, plane ticket, and language barriers narrowed our search to a few places; New Zealand was chosen for several reasons (among which its people group being called "Kiwis" was one).

New Zealand, for the geographically challenged, is a small country consisting of two main islands and several smaller islands off the south eastern side of Australia.  It's population is just over 4.5 million and its total land mass is approximately 7% larger than Oregon or 20% larger than the UK.  Here are some more interesting facts about New Zealand:

  • NZ is the extreme sports capital of the world (bungy jumping, hang gliding, and zorbing (rolling down a hill strapped to the inside of a larger inflatable ball) were all invented in NZ).
  • NZ is the first country in the world to see each new day.
  • NZ boasts the first person to climb Mt. Everest, split the atom, and fly (2 years before the Wright brothers, though it is unproven)
  • NZ has the most golf courses per capita of any other country (neither Sadie nor I golf, we just wanted to make you jealous)
  • The world's smallest dolphin, rarest sea lion, only flightless parrot, and largest land bird (now extinct) all call NZ home.
  • Kiwi refers to a nationality, bird, and fruit in NZ, so you have to specify
  • All three Lord of the Rings movies were filmed on NZ.
  • Kiwis strongly dislike any comparison to Lord of the Rings, so don't mention it to them (though Sadie and I will still go see some of the film locations)
  • Sheep outnumber people 10:1 in NZ
  • Kiwis are well known for their extreme hospitality (something Sadie and I are counting on)
Being as we will be operating on shoe string budgets while we are in NZ, our main mode of transportation will be hitch hiking, our main accommodations will be Couch Surfing and WWOOFing (Willing Workers on Organic Farms - where you work for room and board), and we hope to eat cheaply by consuming mainly fruits and vegetables.  We plan to spend most of our time on the less populated and more scenic south island.

 Now, with the trip a mere week away and planning, packing, and last minute preparations at a premium, I should go.  More to come soon!

Em and Sades

1 comment:

  1. Bon Voyage Dear Emily & Sadie!! May the Lord watch over you, guide and protect you as you embark on your grand adventure! We are excited for you and look forward to many fine tales!

    love, Aunt Jenny & Gang!
