Well, in case you were wondering where we are.... we're still in Wellington. Sorry it's been a while since we've posted, but nothing terribly noteworthy has happened - just moving, hanging out, volunteering, etc.
We now live with a fellow named Tom, who has been kind enough to let us live in his flat for free - Thank you Jesus!!! We've cooked and cleaned for him in exchange for staying, so it's working out quite well for all of us. Also, Sadie's friend from Auckland came to visit for five days last weekend, so that was a fun treat. As usual, we'll let the pictures do most of the story telling...
We took our sleeping bags to a live rugby match.
The locals laughed, but we were warm! Plus, Wellington won!
We jumped at the opportunity to break the law when we went dumpster diving with Zac and Sam!
We spent a wonderful day playing nerf ball on the beach with Larryn's friend
(Josh, Emily, Sadie, and Larryn)
Dumpster diving contributed the tomatoes, peppers, and herbs to our quiche.
Our Honey Weet-bix jumped in this photo too...
Modern Maori art is super sweet!
Emily and her twin: No comment
Tom was a sweetheart and let Sadie borrow his jacket... it was a big hit
We also went to a "Kiwi Comedy"
which turned out to be pretty depressing, unfortunately
We helped out for a kids party at church yesterday...
let's just say that 50+ kids in a confined space with lots of sugar is quite the experience
We were totally the favorites at the party as the "Lollie Ladies"
After spending a month in Wellington, we've decided it is finally time to shove off for the south island sometime this week. Sadie's brother Hamish should be arriving sometime in early December for an adventurous three weeks on the south island. Until he arrives, however, we have no concrete plans and will be flying by the seat of our pants... hopefully they will not wear out like the last pair (we both wore through our jeans walking around Wellington and had to buy new ones).
We'll be sure to keep you up to date as we figure out our plans.
Much love,
Emily and Sadie
PS We like comments (hint, hint, nudge, nudge)