Saturday, October 30, 2010

WARNING: due to extreme tiredness, this is a boring post...

Well, in case you were wondering where we are.... we're still in Wellington.  Sorry it's been a while since we've posted, but nothing terribly noteworthy has happened - just moving, hanging out, volunteering, etc.

We now live with a fellow named Tom, who has been kind enough to let us live in his flat for free - Thank you Jesus!!!  We've cooked and cleaned for him in exchange for staying, so it's working out quite well for all of us.  Also, Sadie's friend from Auckland came to visit for five days last weekend, so that was a fun treat.  As usual, we'll let the pictures do most of the story telling...
 Sadie and I took advantage of "Free for Locals" weekend at Zealandia.
(a protected plot of land that is slowly being turned back into an indigenous plant and animal sanctuary)

We took our sleeping bags to a live rugby match.
The locals laughed, but we were warm!  Plus, Wellington won!

This is Cuba Street, where we spend a majority of our money and time

We jumped at the opportunity to break the law when we went dumpster diving with Zac and Sam!

It was rad and we got HEAPS of food.
(the Gang: Zac, Sadie, Sam, and Emily)

Sadie was totally gutted when she ran out of mascara and found the "cheap" stuff here costs $25

Sweet old building downtown

Eating Kebabs with Larryn and Zac at Abrakebabra, the best in town

Emily totally got pooped on by a bird....
Sadie almost pooped her pants as a result

We took a day trip up the coast and discovered that they pull boats with tractors here!
Possibly the coolest thing ever!

Emily and Sadie degraded to beating each other with sticks.
Emily's stick is definitely bigger though....

Sadie and Larryn show their better sides
(though Larryn's is far broader, I mean better)


We spent a wonderful day playing nerf ball on the beach with Larryn's friend
(Josh, Emily, Sadie, and Larryn)

The lovebirds deep in discussion
(Larryn let Sadie wear his jacket though, which was pretty cute)

Sadie has her head in the clouds with Larryn around

Man, love is so tiring sometimes

We went to the local Diwali festival (a Hindu festival of lights)
The dancing and food were awesome!!

Wellington at night

Dumpster diving contributed the tomatoes, peppers, and herbs to our quiche.

The banana crew
(this is our flat mate Tom)

Our Honey Weet-bix jumped in this photo too...

L&P, a Kiwi classic

Apparently museums bring out our inner ballerinas.... 

Modern Maori art is super sweet!

Emily and her twin:  No comment

Tom was a sweetheart and let Sadie borrow his jacket... it was a big hit

We also went to a "Kiwi Comedy"
which turned out to be pretty depressing, unfortunately

We helped out for a kids party at church yesterday...
let's just say that 50+ kids in a confined space with lots of sugar is quite the experience

We were totally the favorites at the party as the "Lollie Ladies"

After spending a month in Wellington, we've decided it is finally time to shove off for the south island sometime this week.  Sadie's brother Hamish should be arriving sometime in early December for an adventurous three weeks on the south island.  Until he arrives, however, we have no concrete plans and will be flying by the seat of our pants... hopefully they will not wear out like the last pair (we both wore through our jeans walking around Wellington and had to buy new ones).

We'll be sure to keep you up to date as we figure out our plans.

Much love,
Emily and Sadie

PS We like comments (hint, hint, nudge, nudge)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week Two in Wellington

Hello again!

Well, we're approaching the end of our second week here in Wellington and have enjoyed it immensly! We are still staying with Helen and Peter in a suburb outside the city called Wadestown but have found a great flat in the city and will be moving in this weekend.  I must say, riding the bus in and out of town is fun and the views are great, but it will be nice not having to wait on bus schedules!

Although it has only been a few short days since our last posting, we've had some seriously great adventures! Someone once told me that a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll let them do the talking!  

 Sades and Sadie... Helen and Peter's dog's name is Sadie!

 "Cheers, mate!"
We made some really awesome 'Morning Glory' muffins!

 They didn't last very long...we were real keen to try them...and then try them again... and again... and then we had to make another batch today.

 Standing outside the Westpac Stadium on Tuesday, about to watch New Zealand play Paraguay in a soccer match...clearly this was one of Sadie's picks!

The atmosphere inside the stadium was AWESOME!

Starting line ups and national anthems

While going for a walk one day, we found...
a lovely place to rest... giant swing...

 ...big enough for two... beautfiul view...

 (the view from the mountain top over looking the city) yoga master... (look, even the tree off to the left in the back ground can't match that 'tree-pose' form) tasty lunch...

 Later that day while hiking down the mountain top, we lost...
one shoe... hiking trail... and two minds!
(Literally, we were walking along a trail and slowly there was no longer a trail and we ended up bush-wacking our way down the mountain into the city.  It was awesome!  Way better than a trail)

 Helen and Peter blessed us with two tickets to the St. James Opera house which was performing 'Macbeth'... Helen also blessed us with two dresses to wear...

This is what we actually wore that night- two stellar dresses from a second hand store - yay thrift shopping! 

Thank you Helen and Peter for the tickets, the show was great!

Sades and Emma

Monday, October 11, 2010

Windy Welly

Hey Mates,

Before hopping the next bus to Wellington, we finished off our time in Napier being "bartenders" for Anne's neighbourhood block party, which turned out to be a total blast!  Who knew that 'Older Person's Day' could be so much fun!?!  Heck, we didn't even know it existed...

Wellington has the unfortunate habit of living up to it's nickname "Windy Welly," as our photos can testify.  Occassionally dubbed "Wellywood" (as the home of Peter Jackson and other celebrities), it is known for it's politicans (it's the capital), poor artists, and even poorer students.  This combination creates a diverse, trendy, and crazy city... needless to say, we totally dig it! 

We arrived a week ago last Saturday and quickly made friends at church on Sunday (yay Vineyard!).  Since then we have slept in six different places... from an upscale apartment, to a moldy, rundown, college house in dirty sleeping-bags.  Our job hunt has yet to pan out, so we have been kicking it with Zac, a fellow goobatron and lover of randomness.  The pictures below should tell the some of our stories.....

 Hiking to Tamata Peak (near Napier)

SHEEP (This is just one of the many photos of sheep Emily has taken since our arrival)

 The dance floor inwhich we cleaned and mopped in preparation for the evenings gathering

 One of the colorful characters which brightened the party in honor of National Older Persons Day

 Our first cigar.... a CUBAN!!!  Booya!

 "Do you see this place?!?"  Welcome to Wellywood!

 A HEDGE HOG!!!! We literally chased the hog down the street, forced Zac to pick it up so that we didn't have to, giggled incessently and proceeded to snap photo after photo of its stinkin cute face!  

 Emily and Zac chillin with the naked bloke on the harbor
(Don't worry Mom, he's a statue)

 Shoulder Ride!
(Check out how hard Sadie's laughing in the back ground)

 "It's like they're dating!!!" -Emily

 One of our favorite pastimes: drinking coffee and journaling

 The Terrific Trio (That's Zac's feet in the corner)

 "My bike!!!"

 The Flying Fox!!
(A sweet triple zipline which Sadie proceeded to call the Fox Box)

"The Couch"
We tied all three ziplines together and prayed the knots wouldn't slip!

 The dino-crew
(Left to Right: Zac, Chelsea, Chris)

 The Botanical Gardens

Ah, the sweet love of a girl for a guitar... magical!

 Jane, one of our super sweet hostesses

 On the road again....

 Beer and Chocolate Muffin..... does it get any better than this?

...A primo example of our randomness was when Zac tapped his face!

 Emma totally kicked the rubbish out of every other girl running the 600m... actually you can see her, ... yeah, the one in yellow... there was only one...

Who said Canadians and Kiwi's don't like guns?...

 ... Don't ask...

 We were auditioning for the next Pokemon movie...
Watch out Hollywood, Wellywood's coming to town!

"Take THAT!!!"
 We later found out we didn't get the part...