Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week Two in Wellington

Hello again!

Well, we're approaching the end of our second week here in Wellington and have enjoyed it immensly! We are still staying with Helen and Peter in a suburb outside the city called Wadestown but have found a great flat in the city and will be moving in this weekend.  I must say, riding the bus in and out of town is fun and the views are great, but it will be nice not having to wait on bus schedules!

Although it has only been a few short days since our last posting, we've had some seriously great adventures! Someone once told me that a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll let them do the talking!  

 Sades and Sadie... Helen and Peter's dog's name is Sadie!

 "Cheers, mate!"
We made some really awesome 'Morning Glory' muffins!

 They didn't last very long...we were real keen to try them...and then try them again... and again... and then we had to make another batch today.

 Standing outside the Westpac Stadium on Tuesday, about to watch New Zealand play Paraguay in a soccer match...clearly this was one of Sadie's picks!

The atmosphere inside the stadium was AWESOME!

Starting line ups and national anthems

While going for a walk one day, we found...
a lovely place to rest... giant swing...

 ...big enough for two... beautfiul view...

 (the view from the mountain top over looking the city) yoga master... (look, even the tree off to the left in the back ground can't match that 'tree-pose' form) tasty lunch...

 Later that day while hiking down the mountain top, we lost...
one shoe... hiking trail... and two minds!
(Literally, we were walking along a trail and slowly there was no longer a trail and we ended up bush-wacking our way down the mountain into the city.  It was awesome!  Way better than a trail)

 Helen and Peter blessed us with two tickets to the St. James Opera house which was performing 'Macbeth'... Helen also blessed us with two dresses to wear...

This is what we actually wore that night- two stellar dresses from a second hand store - yay thrift shopping! 

Thank you Helen and Peter for the tickets, the show was great!

Sades and Emma


  1. What fun.... I am so glad for all the joy that you are experiencing... thanks for sharing we are praying for you. blessings
    Love patti
