Monday, November 22, 2010

Christchurch to Kaikoura

Hello Faithful Fans,

We have returned valiantly from our track in the out back... however, you will have to stay tuned for those photos.  As we have several locations and events to catch up on, this post is just last week - our time in Christchurch and Kaikoura.

We don't really know what else to say.... enjoy!

 In the airport on the way to Christchurch
(Please note the hat... you will be seeing a lot of it)

 Stoked to be here - Thank you, Janne for being an awesome hotess and taking us to the beach!

 The church at the heart of Christchurch.  Go figure.

 Ooo, don't ask!

 Picnic at the beach with the girls...
(L-R: Laura, Zoe, Lai)

 And then... we went to the HORSE RACES!!!

Hats: the bigger the better!

 Emily's sweet hat, once again.
(She bought it for $3 - booya!!!)

 Lots of money, lots of alcohol, lots of cleavage...
Something tells me we don't really fit in here.

 Emma graced Nick, the bar tender, with her $3 hat!

Note to Sadie... it's called sunscreen, you should wear it!

 That night we went to the Finale
(A sweet show with Maori chanting, broadway dancing, trapeeze acts, clowns, etc.)

 Dear Mom,
I finally ran out of the Red Hots you sent with me.
Please send more. 
Love, Emily

 Month: #2
Hostel: #3
Saving Money: priceless

 The beautiful beach of Kaikoura right outside our hostel

 Ah sweet childhood, how we've missed you!


 Dear Jesus,
Thank you for creating hamocks...and De Winkel yogurt.
Love, Emma

Tragic... the banana is gone!

More to come later....

Much love!!

1 comment:

  1. okay. SUPER lol'd at you and Emily's sad faces at lack of red hots and banana's.
    looks like so much fun all around. skipped right down to the first blog so I have to go up to the second post and read that.
