Monday, November 22, 2010

The Tasman is Abel to rock your world!

Well, we were on a roll, so we just kept going...

Two blog postes in one night, yeowza! We're on fire!
Once we made it to Nelson, our amazing hosts - Nick and Bonnie - took us on several grande adventures all over Nelson and the surrounding area.  But the majority of these photos are from the Abel Tasman National Park... at times, experiencing God is too beautiful for words or photos to describe so we didn't even try.  Here are a few of the 'ugly' pictures - they don't nearly do it justice!

 Look Mom!... no legs!
(Nick and Bonnie took us to a lovely day at the beach)

 Smiles all 'round!

 Emma + beach = CARTWHEEL TIME!

 Time to even out our tan lines!

 Emily and Nick went hunting for mussels...
Hello dinner!

 Emma and Bonnie just chillin

 Monteiths' Raddler Bier and cards...
leads to an excellent night and laughs all 'round.

 Heading off for the Abel Tasman...
(L-R: Addison the baby, Eva, Bonnie and Isabella)

 Camping, here we come! Keen as a jelly bean!

 The last supper... chicken burger and fries!
(Our last hot meal before we began eating PB&J for every meal)

 Umm...well no wonder it wasn't working!!
Let's just say we had a little trouble figuring the tent out.

 I don't know... looks good to me!

 First hiking excursion after arriving in Bark Bay where we set up camp for our two night stay.

 Tonga Bay

 The little pennisula was our campsite (the closest one)..
it would be completely surrounded by water come high tide.
(there's a 6 meter difference between high and low tide)


 Tramping day 2: Sweet suspension bridge!

 PB&J sandwiches... breakfast, lunch and dinner... 3 days running!

 Emma had to piggy-back Sades across some mucky ground to keep her running shoes dry!

 Cleopatra's Pool...
Swimmin' time!

 Attempted chest bump = fail!

 The beautiful view just a hop-skip-and-a-jump away from our tent! (literally!)

 The sea taxi that took us to and from our campsite
(Taikerikeri to Bark Bay)

 Our latest mode of transportation... can get a little boring sometimes...

 ....Emma can get a little 'crabby' when people don't pick us up...

Chocolate cupcakes...classic Eva...

Well, there you have it! Everything we've been up to in the past week here in Nelson! Hope you've enjoyed viewing our photos and be prepared for more epic photos as our coming week includes the U2 concert in Auckland and Emma getting her first tattoo...

Hugs and Kisses,

Sades and Emma Jean

PS We still love comments!  Keep them coming :)


  1. OOOH my goodness, that hike looks incredible!!! SO beautiful! the greenery, and the water colour and cleopatra's pool!... well pretty much every picture you posted of it looks amazing.
    mother hen lauren says you're only allowed to hitchhike with families! less likely to be be on a murderous rampage and kill poor unsuspecting hitch hikers!... okay well I GUESS you're allowed to pick and choose... BUT. you have to come home all in one piece.. well.. I guess two pieces.. One whole sadie. and one whole emily.
    Mother hen Lauren also agrees that sadie should wear sunscreen-that is all.

  2. You guys are having so much fun :)
